Saturday, December 7, 2013

Run Free Fergus....

I just got done shipping a special Heart Keychain to a woman who asked for it to be inscribed with "Fergus", "Run Free Sweet Boy", "You are Loved", "12-4-2013".

I was taken by the inscription and saddened by the loss. The next day I received an email from the woman who ordered it, with the following story...

"Fergus was a terrified basset hound who came to our rescue last weekend. He got away from his foster almost immediately, and was on the run for 3 days. I got a text message in the middle of the night from someone who saw "a dog" get hit and was in the road... I rushed over around 6am and found Fergus. That was the first time I had even seen him in person and he had already passed.

I adopted him so that he could have a last name before crossing the Rainbow Bridge, and I am giving his ashes and the keychain to one of our transport drivers who spent a night with him on his trip to Minnesota... she is absolutely devastated at Fergus's passing and I know she will love the keychain. I looked at a lot of different websites, and you had just what I was looking for!"

I'm just so touched by this story of caring and compassion. I can't even put words to it. I don't know if Fergus had any identification on his collar when he ran off, but it made me think of the importance of having a tag on newly adopted and fostered dogs BEFORE they leave an agency. 

PLEASE, PLEASE put identification on your dog as soon as they become yours :-)!