Thursday, April 10, 2014

Greetings From Maine!

Well…it’s been a heck of a winter for everyone this year. Our snowbanks reached up over our windows, higher than they’ve been for quite a while. Cold temps and lots of ice and snow brought us to our knees and our buts in a way that gave new meaning to Winter in Maine. 

The good news is that we are melting, and melting slowly, which is good. We’ve still got some impressive snow banks which we won’t say goodbye to for several weeks to come, but that’s OK because it’s in the 30’s and 40’s and feels like a heat wave.

Mud season in all its soggy, gloppy, glumpy glory reminds us that Winter is a thing of the past. Halleluyah! The birds are returning. Bears, raccoons, and skunks are waking up. Life is good. Ruby and Jet can move again without having to navigate huge snow banks and three feet of snow, stretching their legs for a romp in the woods and checking out all those springtime smells.

We hope you have all survived this winter and are lifted up with the entrance of a promising Spring and some new beginnings. Speaking of beginnings, our Silver Paw Tags website has just received a major facelift that we want you to know about. Our new layout streamlines the ordering process and makes it easier to find everything you want and need to know about our tags. We’ve got lots of info to share and hope you’’ll check out our new appearance. Don't miss our incredible Silver Paw Tags video showing how our tags are made!

Spring time is the perfect time to double check your pet’s id tag to make sure the writing is legible. A standout id tag is the best way to ensure your best friend will be returned home safely! All the best to you, our awesome customers.

Happy Spring!