Monday, July 23, 2012

Durable Pet ID Tags- Salt Water Proof in Maine!

Is your dog in and out of the water lots? Do you live near the beach and have trouble with your dog's tags turning black? Salt water is tough on all metals, except the durable stainless steel alloy we use for our tags.
Our dog, Ruby, has field tested our tags for durability in just about every environment imaginable, here in the great state of Maine! Shown here in the picture, she LOVES the water and has been the ultimate proof positive that our tags are the most durable pet id tags you will find, especially in salt water.
A durable salt water id tag must be a "marine grade" stainless steel id tag. Our durable pet id tags are made out of a stainless steel alloy called, duplex 2205, designed for salt water applications. No one else makes a tag using this alloy. It is expensive and very hard to finish properly. It has twice the hardness and non-corrosive properties of any 300 series stainless steel alloy.
Durable pet id tags are very hard to find. Durable and good looking id tags are even harder to find. You will be very pleased with the performance of our tags in salt water.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Durable Pet ID Tags and a Lifetime Guarantee - Not Just Words!

When we say "durable" we mean it. The reason we say it is because the stainless steel alloy we cast our tags from is harder and more non-corrosive than any other. We are completely confident that your dog cannot wear this stainless steel id tag down in their lifetime.
The greater issue is wearing of the engraved information on the pet id tag. This is where our guarantee really comes into play and makes all the difference between our pet id tags and all the others...
We are a small company specializing in pet id tags only. Our stainless steel id tags are building us a reputation that we value greatly. Quick attention to details and to our customers is paramount to us. We do not want ANY unhappy customers. We want you to love our product and us as well!
To that end, we stand behind every single stainless steel id tag we sell. If your dog is crazy active and their tag engraving starts to wear, we take it back. The beauty of solid stainless steel is that we can re-grind it, polish it, and engrave it all over again. Once you present a tag with worn engraving to us, we either give you a new one on the spot or ship one to you within 24 hrs. That's our promise!
Our durable lifetime guaranteed pet id tag is a product we boast about and believe in very highly. Our customers expect a quality product from us as well as quality service. We take those expectations very seriously. We love making our tags and sharing in the joy of happy customers, present and future! Thanks to you all...

visit us at

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Durable Pet ID Tags

Pet ID tags wear out because they hang around the neck of a dog. The act of constant rubbing and abrading against other tags, fur, sand, dirt, collar attachment hardware, etc. causes metal to be removed from the tag. Hence, the tag loop often wears through and the engraving is worn off. Sometimes the tag becomes bent, shriveled at the edges, or completely breaks off.
The majority of inexpensive pet id tags on the market today aren't durable because they are too thin and made out of soft metals. Soft metals do not make for durable pet id tags.
Tag metals can be classified by hardness. The Mohs Scale, invented by a German mineralogist in 1812, measures material hardness. It is the least scientific, but easiest to understand of several hardness scales available. 
As you can see, pewter, aluminum, copper, sterling silver, brass, and nickel are all quite soft as compared to steel or of course diamonds which are the hardest. Talc leads the scale as the softest for comparison.
There is quite a range of hardness for steel. Stainless steel falls into the 6-6.5 range. Stainless steel pet id tags are the hardest and most durable pet id tags you can buy.
The thicker the stainless steel, the more durable the pet id tag will be. Most tags measure less than 1/16th of an inch (about the thickness of a dime). To be called a durable pet id tag, our tags measure more than twice that thickness, 1/8th of an inch (about the size of a dime and a quarter put together).
The stainless steel alloy we use is also non-corrosive, which by the way, is not true of all stainless steels. Rusting and tarnishing causes metal to be eaten away. Brass, pewter, sterling, copper, and nickel all react and discolor.
If you are shopping for a durable pet id tag, make sure you look for a thick stainless steel tag. We guarantee our tags to be durable pet id tags for life.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Engraving, Stamping, or Laser Engraving Pet ID Tags: Which Is Best?

There are three basic approaches to applying information to pet id tags. Here at Silver Paw we are most concerned with what will be readable, durable, and lasting for you and your pet. We use a spinning rotary carbide cutter on our engraved stainless steel pet tags to get the deepest line we can in stainless steel.

This is easier said then done because stainless is so hard. It wreaks havok on our carbide cutters. We are constantly sending our cutters to the machine shop for re-sharpening because the stainless wears them down so quickly. That's bad for us, but good for you. It ensures you get a deep engraving on a surface which is made to withstand the abrasion a pet tag gets hanging from your dog's neck.

Stamping pet id tags makes for a nice deep indentation of information on the tag. Stamping is not always the most attractive. It will last, but if your dog is really active, the tag will not last. Stamping is done on thin, soft metal (brass, copper, nickel, pewter, aluminum, sterling silver). These metals are too soft to withstand the abuse a tag takes. Stamping personalized information on thick stainless steel uses expensive dies, cannot be done without an enormous amount of pressure (tons), and is therefore impracticle.

Laser engraving pet id tags has become very popular. The engraving surface of a tag is coated with a material that impregnates and bonds to the surface wherever the laser hits. This area becomes your engraving information and the rest of the material is washed away. It can be done on a wide range of metals, including stainless steel. Unfortunately, there is not much depth associated with the lasered areas and they will succomb quickly to wear and abrasion. Laser engraving looks great but doesn't last on a pet id tag.

Engraved stainless steel pet tags are the best bet for your money.

Find us at

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Silver Paw Stainless Steel Pet ID Tags-Up Close and Personal...

Thick and durable pet id tags are so hard to find, never mind attractive looking and durable id tags. Oh... to find a tag that holds its great shine, stays bright, and stays readable for all the years to come. Ye-aaah! That's what we're talkin about here in Maine.

Durability is not found easily in any products now adays. You never know if you're spending a lot of money on a product for a good reason or you're being taken to the cleaners.

Our engraved stainless steel tags put the capital D in durabilty without empyting out your bank account! We make ( right he-ah in Maine), engrave, and ship to you for $24.95

We also roll with the punches hee-aah in Maine. Moving? Changing phone numbers? Addresses? Ship your stainless steel tag back to us and we'll grind it down, polish it, and re-engrave your new information.

We're not just another pretty face in the pet tag world. We're proud to bring you a great durable pet id tag with "beauty and brains".  We are making our mark, one customer at a time. Your satisfaction and service are what keep us going!                                        Remember:
You may get lost...but your pet never will with Silver Paw!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cruisin With Silver Paw Pet Tags

Ruby & Jet get ready to travel. It's showtime!
It's show time and we're on the road again...Ruby, Jet and the gang are headed out to the 5th Annual Equine Fair on Saturday, May 5th, at The Myhre Equine Clinic in Rochester, N.H.
Join us from 10-5 for a fun filled day of hay rides, face painting, food, equine health lectures, equine items, tack, clothing, and of course great doggie stainless steel id tags and jewelry made by us, Silver Paw Pet Tags!
We'll be there engraving our handsome, durable, lifetime guaranteed, original pet id tags for anyone who is looking to provide their best friends with the best lost pet protection they can get.
Follow us the next day, to the MWV Radio's Home Show at the Ham Arena in Conway, NH, on Sunday, May 6th. This event is free and we'll be making pet tags and more pet tags from 10-3.
For a complete listing of all our show stops please tune in to our show dates page. We're looking forward to seeing you and sharing some fun. Come on out!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Silver Paw Engraved Pet Keychains - Carry A Reminder of Your Pet Wherever You Go!

Those of us who treat our pets like kids, know that one of the most devastating losses is losing your beloved best friend. My husband and I lost our first best friend, Spanky, in the middle of building a house, July 4th, a few years ago. I will never forget that day or the day after. The void feels intolerable and the sadness, oh so heavy.

Recently, a woman came up to my Silver Paw Pet Tag booth and commented that she had just lost her dog. Within seconds she was crying unbearably, which made me tear up as well. I had to hug her. We began to talk about the id tags and she decided to purchase one as a keychain in memory of her most special friend. I engraved her dog's name. She put it right on her key ring and walked away holding the tag in her hand with a smile on her face.

It's hard to know what to say when someone looses what's close to them. A Silver Paw Stainless Steel Keychain is a wonderful way to commemorate a lost pet and show you care. Those of you whose pets are already wearing a tag, know how rugged they are. When your pet's time has come, you can go on to use their tag on your key ring, remembering them forever. We guarantee our tags to last a lifetime, yours and theirs... Remember your pet.

Visit Us at

Monday, March 26, 2012

Silver Paw Tags - Spring Into Spring With Rubit Dog Tag Clips

It's finally Spring. In need of a little bling to lift away the doldrums of a long hard winter?   Silver Paw Pet Tags has just the right array of blingy collar attire to chase away the absolute best of the winter blues...                                                               Spring into Spring strutting a brand new Silver Paw stainless steel id tag, made in Maine, and guaranteed to look positively radiant.The most unique tag ever to adorn the canine runways, Silver Paw Tags are creating quite a stir among those in the know, leaving the competition behind...  See and be seen in these exclusive, lifetime guaranteed, designer bling originals!
To compliment the tag of tags, Silver Paw anounces its newest Spring arrival, Rubit (Roo-bit) dog tag clips. Rubit dog tag clips are just unequaled in quality and style. Such a perfect match of ease and flexibilty. Go from collar to collar in seconds flat. Changing attire, daytime casual to evening formal, has never been such a snap!
Chase away those winter blues. Get out and strutt your stuff. Clip it, flaunt it, shake it, in a Silver Paw tag and Rubit dog clip ensemble!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Silver Paw Stainless Steel Pet Tags -The Needle in the Haystack of Pet Tags!

Searching and shopping the internet can be a tireless pursuit! Like trying to find a needle in a haystack. When it comes to pet tags, there are LOTS of choices. Every site is telling you their tags are the best.

We are "the needle in the haystack" of pet id tags! We design and hand make our stainless steel pet id tags in Maine. They are a beautifully designed and crafted investment in your dog's safety that you can't buy anywhere else!

If your dog wears their tag out on a regular basis, a thick stainless steel pet id tag is the only way to go, because, they will last FOREVER! Our tags go so far as to guarantee not only the tag, but the tag's engraving forever, too. We will actually take the stainless steel id tag back and re-engrave it, if it wears off over time.

We are working to bring you the absolute BEST original product you could find anywhere, and we are proud to say it is made in Maine! If you're looking for a truly original, durable, well made product, that stands out above the rest on your pet, look no further than a Silver Paw Stainless Steel Pet ID Tag!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Picture Says It All...Love and Silver Paw Pet Tags

My husband emailed me this photo this morning with the title "True Love".  Is there any finer moment than this in a world gone mad with greed, lust, violence, and power?  There is no more devout or worthy a being as our canine friends for which to love or be loved. No more deserving, entertaining, or selfless creature to just be there.
My mission, here at Silver Paw Stainless Steel Pet Tags, is to make sure that your best friend will always be there. Speaking from experience, I know just how fast, a creature so loved, can disappear without a bit of worry on their part! Chalk it up to adventure. When your whole world is turned inside out, that gorgeous glint, that pendulous play, of stainless steel, will be there, to do its job. Here's to hoping they're back on the couch before you are...