Thursday, February 16, 2012

Picture Says It All...Love and Silver Paw Pet Tags

My husband emailed me this photo this morning with the title "True Love".  Is there any finer moment than this in a world gone mad with greed, lust, violence, and power?  There is no more devout or worthy a being as our canine friends for which to love or be loved. No more deserving, entertaining, or selfless creature to just be there.
My mission, here at Silver Paw Stainless Steel Pet Tags, is to make sure that your best friend will always be there. Speaking from experience, I know just how fast, a creature so loved, can disappear without a bit of worry on their part! Chalk it up to adventure. When your whole world is turned inside out, that gorgeous glint, that pendulous play, of stainless steel, will be there, to do its job. Here's to hoping they're back on the couch before you are...

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