Friday, February 15, 2013

Pet ID Tags and Vacations: The Two Go Together!

Going on vacation with your dog?Lucky you and lucky them! You've done all the prep work…You've researched dog friendly hotels, inns, rentals, cities, camping areas, and activities. You've packed all the eats and treats, collars and leashes, bowls and biscuits, balls and frisbies, poop bags and my god what else! We try to be prepared to be prepared, but sometimes fall short on remembering to include  one of most important must have items a pooch on vacation should not be caught without, and that's a pet id tag!
Now you may say, well of course, my dog always wears his or her id tag! When was the last time you looked to see if the tag was readable? You may also say, my dog never leaves my side, or my dog's always on a leash. While this may be true, bringing your dog to a strange new environment and sharing unusual activities with them, opens up a whole new world of possibilities when it comes to dog behavior.       
Dogs do not think like human beings. Their instincts are different than ours. Their senses are much more powerful, especially hearing and smell. They follow their noses and they often react with fear when stressed and put in unfamiliar circumstances. When the flight response kicks in, they may leave before you even know it. If this happens in unfamiliar territory or even in familiar places, the results can be pretty scary! Vacations around holidays can lead to particular consequence. Many dogs disappear during Fourth of July and New Year's Eve events.

The moral of this story… Don't leave home without a pet id tag for your dog, no matter what! Make sure the id tag is in good shape, readable, and securely fastened to the collar ring.  If your dog is especially active and adventurous, you may even want to have an extra along, just in case. Split ring collar attachments often pull open when a dog gets caught or brushes up against a branch, etc. You'd be wise to fasten your id tag with a stainless steel s-hook in this case.
So, go ahead and enjoy your vacation with your best friend, but do it sensibly. Investing in a good quality pet id tag for your dog is never wasted money wether you are on vacation or not!

Checkout to make an investment in your dog's safety today.

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