Thursday, November 21, 2013

Have You Checked Your Dog's ID Tags Lately?

Busy, busy, busy...aren't we all these days, especially as the holidays approach. Life can get pretty hectic and it's easy to forget about the little things, the ones you take for granted.
When it comes to our pups, we remember to buy dog food, order and apply heart worm preventative , flea and tick preventative, joint supplements, clip nails, etc., etc. The list goes on and on.
I'm going to add one more item to the to do list, and that's double check your dog's identification information on his or her pet tag. All that jingling is to no avail if your dog has an unreadable tag. The chances of that tag being unreadable, even after a short period of wear, increase greatly if your dog is active and your tag is made out of aluminum, brass, nickel, plastic, copper, or pewter.
Active dogs give all pet tags a run for the money. There isn't another application out there that could destroy a dog id tag faster than an active dog. Even a train running over a tag won't harm an id tag the same way a dog does!
Now, I can hear some of you thinking, well, my dog is microchipped. That is excellent and important insurance if your dog is lost but not as considerate to the finder as a readable id tag. Dialing a phone number that someone answers is the easiest way for a finder to get your dog returned to you with a minimal amount of energy expended. As a responsible dog owner, you owe it to your dog and a potential good samaritan to make it as easy as possible for them to read a tag and dial a phone number.
So, don't forget to check your tags and replace them asap when they need it. Lost dogs don't tell us they're going to get lost before they disappear!

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